
Education Cloud 101: Features and benefits for a connected higher education campus

Education Cloud 101 illustration

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Transforming experiences to elevate them to the truly digital era does not stop with enterprises. Meet Education Cloud, the Salesforce CRM platform designed for the education sector. With Education Cloud, Salesforce is creating a connected campus and student experience by cloudifying the entire journey. 

The Salesforce ecosystem consists of a plethora of applications that can be leveraged to augment enterprise needs by picking the ones of choice on AppExchange. Domain specific apps or custom built ones, Salesforce offers an array of options to pick from. To simplify this process, Education Cloud provides a comprehensive set of applications and technologies that empowers educational institutions to leverage the Salesforce platform and reap maximum benefits. 

Why Salesforce Education Cloud for institutions?

To enable institutions to get onboard and effectively utilize the Salesforce platform, Education Data Architecture or EDA, a flexible architecture was developed for the sector. EDA helps institutes configure the CRM for their needs and enhance learner and teacher experiences.

EDA provides a 360-degree, single-window view of all  students from day one. This includes all aspects ranging from attendance and grades to club affiliations. This architecture models the relationship students have with their teachers, advisors, family members, departments, etc. With this, students and teachers have easy access to all information,  enabling learners to improve their focus and aiding teachers with data to help students better, improving the overall student experience and outcomes. 

What makes Education Cloud a boon is the ready to use EDA. Building an architecture like this from the ground up is an expensive and time-consuming task that would require an in-house IT team as well. With Salesforce, institutions can empower their staff and faculty with all the tools they need to provide a superior learner experience. Data collation and change management are all managed by the EDA, eliminating the need for any manual data gathering or platform management activities. AppExchange also houses an array of applications that institutions can readily download and integrate with the CRM to customize based on their specific needs.

Salesforce education cloud architecture infographic

Features and benefits of Education Cloud

  • Holistic student view to aid better learning experiences 
  • Improved faculty experience 
  • Personalize communications and nurture relationships 
  • Unified correspondence across campus 
  • Effective, real-time communication with parents 
  • Simplify student engagements, recruitment, and admissions 
  • Enhance relationships with alumni and donors 
  • Customize the platform based on institution needs 
  • Cut down on IT expenditures
  • Enhance staff productivity and student engagements 

Why invest in Salesforce Education CRM?

  • 195% ROI over three years with payback within 7 months
  • $2.4M in total legacy cost savings
  • 12.1% increase in revenue

Source: Forrester Consulting study

Salesforce Education Cloud is transforming the way institutions function and the way learning is imparted. Dashboards that provide a holistic view of every student help improve the learning process by creating a personalized and connected student experience. With more organized processes and access to data anytime, anywhere, Education Cloud is propelling the shift to a more student-focused model that helps them achieve their career goals. Our certified Salesforce consultants can help you understand the CRM platform and how your enterprise can benefit from it – Get in touch.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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