
Leveraging DevOps to streamline Salesforce Deployment

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]From its humble beginnings in 1999, Salesforce has come a long way to be the most preferred CRM tool among enterprises today. With consistent innovations Salesforce has manage to retain its #1 position with offerings in  business intelligence, marketing, HR and finance, to name a few. 

However, with the changing customer demands and stiff competition, businesses that adopt Salesforce are looking for quicker and more streamlined release of applications. This is where DevOps principles, adopted by software developers, can help.


Enterprises in the software world are no strangers to DevOps, version control, release management,  Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD). These can be seamlessly integrated into the DevOps world to increase agility, reduce deployment time and  shorten release cycles. With automation as its backbone, it can move away from the traditional waterfall model to Salesforce DevOps that follows an iterative process for building, testing, integration and deployment. 

Version Control: Salesforce development is a combined collaborative process, where multiple programmers work on different features of a solution and collate it in a common repository. Version control is a crucial technique embraced by Salesforce DevOps developers where they keep a check on the various versions and changes within a code. This helps them effortlessly merge it with the base application without room for much conflict. Teams that are looking to adopt DevOps into their Salesforce environment must embrace version control. 

Continuous Integration: CI ensures that all programs that are completed and collated be packaged, tested and validated. An efficient CI tool uses metadata to accommodate changes from various programming environments and deploy the code as and when scheduled. It also ensures that each deployment only includes the new changes, leaving the previous tested and deployed codes untouched. The CI also provides a simple user interface to create and run automated tests on a selected set of features or on the entire environment.

Continuous Delivery: While CI takes care of the automation testing part of DevOps, it is incomplete without its other half – CD. CD helps ensure that deployment within a Salesforce environment is quick and automated. A CD tool can schedule deployments or choose to deploy immediately. It identifies the code to be deployed based on its metadata. If any errors or conflicts arise during deployment, the CD tool alerts the admins and the developers who can come to the rescue with a quick fix. In the event that the solution is not readily facilitated, the stakeholders can retract to a previous version of deployment until the error is resolved completely.  

What are the benefits of Salesforce Devops?

  • Since the development and deployment is performed in smaller cycles, there are fewer errors during the production phase
  • Continuous testing and integration ensures that that processes are more reliable
  • Release Management in DevOps takes the testers through multiple use cases from the end-users POV. This ensures that there are no errors after its deployed
  • Shorter releases also ensures that there is a lesser chance of mistake or system downtime
  • DevOps uses agile methodologies with constant feedback from relevant stakeholders

Looking to integrate DevOps into your Salesforce deployment ecosystem. The Salesforce veterans at Kasmo can help you customize a DevOps process that is the right fit for your business. Talk to an expert today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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