
Is Einstein Analytics necessary when you have Salesforce reports and dashboards?

Salesforce analytics, reports and dashboards illustration

Formerly known as Wave, Einstein Analytics is Salesforce’s AI powered analytics tool that enables business verticals to view data. With Einstein analytics, enterprises can extend their CRM capabilities by leveraging data to enhance decision making across departments like sales and marketing.

What is Salesforce Einstein Analytics?

A Salesforce cloud application, Einstein Analytics is a comprehensive analytics solution that can be integrated with both Salesforce as well as other products/CRMs to visualize and understand usage patterns. With Einstein, Salesforce brings the power of AI to enterprises making decision making ‘smarter’.

Einstein Analytics simplifies reporting and helps turn data into actionable insights. With this tool, reports and dashboards can be generated in minutes as the tool directly connects with the CRM data. So, there is no need for creation or management of data models. Simply feed the data and the machine learning algorithms model it to fit your business needs.

Why Einstein Analytics? What are the benefits?

Salesforce Einstein enables organization-wide visibility as it tracks and records activities across the board and gives a unified view of data that can be accessed at any time. Additionally, it allows you to customize analytics based on business needs and create custom-built dashboards to visualize this data. 

Today, data is one of the most valuable assets of a business and AI-augmented analytics gives enterprises the edge by empowering them to make data-driven decisions. Here are some of the benefits it offers:

  • A single-view of the sales pipeline to understand possible opportunities and customer needs 
  • Leverage data to personalize customer experiences 
  • Predictive analytics to respond quicker and prevent hurdles 
  • Enable intelligence across business processes for smarter outcomes

What Salesforce Einstein enables is insights into current processes and data to fuel the journey forward. A highly secure tool, Einstein helps boost business intelligence by monitoring the functioning of all applications. This allows the organization to measure performance, usage, success rates, compliance etc. and gives insights that help in identifying possible business opportunities as well. 

For more on Salesforce, Einstein Analytics and understanding if it is the right fit for your business, get in touch with our experts.

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