
Enhance customer experience with Salesforce Service Cloud

customer experience illustration

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What turns a customer into a loyalist? 

  • 93% of customers revealed that they are likely to make repeat purchases with businesses that offer excellent customer service. 
  • Just a 5% increase in customer retention can result in more than a 25% increase in profits.  
  • 38% of customers who rate a business’ service as ‘good’ are likely to recommend the brand/business to friends and family. 

It goes without saying, great customer service provides unparalleled ROI, wins their loyalty, and turns them into long term clients. 

Salesforce Service Cloud is the #1 CRM solution crafted for customer service. Salesforce Service Cloud helps enterprises provide best-in-class customer service and support with tools that help support teams cater to customer needs with ease. This service module of the Salesforce platform has an array of tools and features that help agents assist customers with any queries regarding a particular product or service. 

What are the features and benefits of Salesforce Service Cloud? 

Service Cloud serves as a complete customer service platform that helps support teams cater to customers smarter and faster. Its ability to automate and streamline processes, manage cases, and enhance not just customer experience, but improve agent experience as well.

  • Lightning Service Console: 360-degree, single-window view of customer profiles that support team members can access anytime, anywhere. Data across platforms is collected and collated to provide a holistic view of customers and prospects on the console. Detailed customer information helps drive better, more personalized conversations which ensure they can provide better solutions and enhance customer experience.
  • Real-time tracking: The ability to track open requests and cases in real-time ensures they get resolved faster.
  • Omni-channel routing: To enable businesses to not just deliver smarter service, this feature matches cases with agents based on their skill sets. This improves service as agents with the best capabilities to solve a particular problem are automatically assigned cases matching that skill type.
  • Social media interactions: Leverage social media and reach out to customers across platforms like Facebook, Twitter , and Instagram. Agents can closely monitor and respond to customer posts and queries on social media in real-time.
  • Live chat: Critical for businesses in today’s competitive world, chatbots and other messaging solutions help cater to customer inquiries and doubts in real-time through automation.
  • Security: A critical aspect that makes the Salesforce platform the top-pick is its security. Safety and security of data is integral for businesses and the cloud ensures this.

Console, case management, live chats, call centre, knowledge base, and more, with Salesforce Service Cloud the benefits are plenty. 

  • World class customer experience through timely, personalized, data-driven engagements that increase customer satisfaction. 
  • Tools that help support teams perform better and enhance agent productivity.
  • Next-gen customer and agent experience 
  • Seamless social media engagements across channels.
  • Strengthen brand/business positioning and reputation with tailored engagements.  

48% faster resolution of open cases, 47% increase in support agent productivity, and 45% rise in customer satisfaction, that’s the impact Salesforce Service Cloud can bring to businesses. Real-time, personalized customer engagements, knowledge base that empowers agents to serve customers better, enhanced tracking and management of cases, with Service you can deliver at speed and scale. For more on how you can adopt Salesforce, talk to our experts.



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